are a lot of foreigners who are interested in Japanese culture and they learn Japanese character or Kanji. Calligraphy has a long history in Japan, but it was born in China. There are two types in calligraphy, the semi-cursive style of writing and block style of writing. English and other foreign languages have only one style of writing, so Japanesecharacter is interesting.
We use adherence, an ink stone and a writing brush to write.
It is a typical style of a calligraphy and there is no examples in any other countries. Recently, many people include foreigners get to learn calligraphy. There are a lot of classroom in Japan to learn it, we can get grades as qualification. It may be difficult for foreigners to write Japanese characters using a brush, but they will be fun and feel fresh on their writing. I think calligraphy is also attractive to foreigners who are interested in Japanese history. They will be interested in the relation between Japan and China and how kanji was introduced in Japan. It is interesting to learn about it, I think. I recommend foreigners to begin calligraphy!!
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